The A-10 pilot said the Warthog would win against an AH-64 Apache in a combat encounter with equal factors.


‘All other things being equal (pilot skill, full weapons load, clear weather, etc.), the A-10 has the clear advantage and will win for the exact same reasons that it loses against air superiority fighters,’ Lynn Taylor, former A-10 Warthog pilot

The first aircraft in the US Air Force to be specifically built for close air support of ground forces is the A-10. It bears the name of the well-known P-47 Thunderbolt, a fighter that was frequently used in close air support missions in the final stages of World War II. The A-10 carries the systems and armor required to survive in this environment, and it is extremely maneuverable at low speeds and low altitudes for precise weapon delivery.

Although it is designed to be used against all ground targets, its primary target is armored vehicles such as tanks. Due to its high endurance, the Thunderbolt II can stay in a combat zone for extended periods and cover a wide combat radius. Because of its short takeoff and landing distance, it can be used from airstrips near the front lines. Maintenance at forward bases with limited facilities is possible because of the A-10’s simple design.

The AH-64 Apache attack helicopter was engineered to possess exceptional resilience during combat operations. In 1975, the YAH-64, the prototype Apache, made its first flight, and Hughes received a full-scale development contract in 1976. The AH-64A Apache program was approved for production in 1982 by the US Army. When Hughes Helicopters joined McDonnell Douglas in 1984, deliveries started out of the McDonnell Douglas facility in Mesa, Arizona. The base of the US Army’s all-weather ground-support capability is the combat-proven Apache helicopter, which is highly maneuverable and heavily armed.

If an AH-64 Apache and an A-10 Warthog faced off, who would prevail?

‘The Hawg,’ Lynn Taylor, former A-10 Warthog pilot, says on Quora.

‘All other things being equal (pilot skill, full weapons load, clear weather, etc.), the A-10 has the clear advantage and will win for the exact same reasons that it loses against air superiority fighters.

‘Yes, the Apache has better maneuverability and can drag its wheels through the sagebrush to make targeting it difficult. But the A-10 has the advantage in (dare I say) speed, climb rate, and relative performance at altitude. The Apache may dodge around and be tough to hit, but the A-10 has a long reach with a lot of bullets to spare. Plus, it is quite adept at maneuvering at low altitudes in case it needs to get really close to secure a kill. Even in mountain valleys, the Hawg can still get its nose on the Apache and deliver the mail.

‘Realistically, the Hawg will need to use the Gun to bring down the Apache. Those Sidewinders on the wing will probably have trouble locking onto an Apache down low. (This was demonstrated in Desert Storm.) No worries, though. The Gun is more fun, anyway.

‘Conversely, the Apache doesn’t really have much in the way of air-to-air weaponry. Its Hellfires are going to be nigh useless. With Stinger capability, the trick will be getting a good angle on the Hawg’s tailpipes and getting a shot off when the Hawg isn’t maneuvering hard and dumping out flares… which will be pretty close to never.’

Taylor continues;

‘The Apache’s 30mm is also not the same as the A-10’s.

‘An A-10 round is 30mm x 173mm. The AH-64 round is 30mm x 113mm.

‘You’re looking at this:


‘versus THIS:

Su-25 Vs A-10: here’s why the Frogfoot might be better suited than the Warthog for CAS

‘If the Apache tries to hold steady enough to get a good shot on the A-10, even with its gun pointed to one side, it’s going to be well within the effective range of the Hawg and present an even easier target.

‘Assuming that they both managed to hit each other, I expect the A-10 would hold up to battle damage a bit better than the AH-64. The Apache is well armored and sturdy, to be sure, but its Achilles heel is that big fan blade on top. Hit that, and it’s game over. The Hawg, on the other hand, has proven it can take a hit from a MANPAD (which is what the Stinger really is) and keep on truckin’.

‘Yes, a lucky shot from either side could determine the battle in an instant, and it’s not like the Apache is an easy target. Still, I expect that, on average, the Hawg would be the clear winner.’

Taylor concludes;

‘The best the Apache can hope for is a draw by jinking and jiving until the Hawg runs out of bullets, gets bored, and trundles off to root around somewhere else.’

Photo by U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, Graeme Main/MOD, and SOBCHAK SECURITY – EST. 2005

Till Daisd
Till Daisd
Till is an aviation enthusiast blogger who has been writing since 2013. He started out writing about personal readings since expanded his blog to include information and stories about all aspects of aviation. Till's blog is a go-to source for anyone interested in learning more about aviation, whether you're a pilot or just a curious onlooker.


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