Tag: aviation

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Atomic Stuka: The Ju-87 night dive bombers for a suicide nuclear attack in 1945

Atomic Stuka: The suicide Ju-87 night dive bombers Nazi Germany's aspirations for atomic weapons development remain a subject of historical inquiry. Documentary evidence regarding the...

The DEFCON system

Those of us who are GenXrs clearly remember the film “War Games.” We will not rehash that film, but it led to an entire...

Adolf Galland’s last combat mission

Me 262 Vs. B-26 On its operational debut in 1944, the Luftwaffe's Messerschmitt Me 262, the world's first jet-engined fighter aircraft, outperformed its Allied competitors...

The first US F-15 Eagle kill and the first kill of Operation Desert Storm

The first US F-15 kill and the first kill of Operation Desert Storm More than 15 years after the aircraft had first been used by...

The US Navy test where the F4U outflew and outfought the P-51 in almost every area except range

Corsair Vs Mustang During World War II, the US Army Air Forces (USAAF) employed the Mustang, one of the greatest and most famous fighters. 7,956...


F-4 Phantom II set altitude record during Project Top Flight

A special aircraft Built as a high-altitude interceptor, the F-4...

The Hornet in peacetime, the Tomcat in combat

The Tomcat Advancements during the Cold War in Soviet long-range...

President Jimmy Carter let a catholic priest fly at Mach 3.52 aboard an SR-71

President Jimmy Carter From 1977 to 1981, American politician and...

Why the Blackbird had to refuel right after takeoff (and it’s not because it leaked fuel)

KC-135Q A team of Lockheed personnel, led by Clarence "Kelly"...

