Despite several flaws, the B-58’s pilots and crews were in awe of it. The Hustler represented the apex of a bomber pilot’s career
The B-58, the US Air Force’s first operational supersonic bomber, flew for the first time on November 11, 1956. The Hustler stood out for its sophisticated inertial guidance navigation and bombing system, slim “wasp-waist” fuselage, and significant use of heat-resistant honeycomb sandwich skin panels in the wings and fuselage in addition to its delta wing design. A droppable, two-component pod beneath the fuselage held a nuclear warhead along with extra fuel, reconnaissance equipment, or other specialized gear because the thin fuselage disallowed carrying explosives internally. A pilot, navigator/bombardier, and defensive systems operator made up the B-58 crew.
Convair produced 116 B-58s, including 30 test and prototype models and 86 operational aircraft. Between 1960 and 1970, hustlers flew for the Strategic Air Command. B-58s set 19 world records for speed and altitude while also getting five different aviation trophies. Nonetheless, the B-58 was the product of one of the most divisive designs in aviation history, despite its amazing features and accomplishments.
‘The B-58 Hustler, the supersonic bomber of the early Cold War had an appalling accident rate, was a maintenance nightmare, terrible flight characteristics, and the basic mission was obsolete before the aircraft was fielded,’ said David Tussey former US Navy A-7 pilot on Quora. ‘I think over ~1/4 of the aircraft were lost in accidents. The Hustler retired quickly from service serving less than a decade. The “bomb pod” — the combination centerline fuel tank + nuclear bomb dispenser — was a horror show. The plane looked sexy and was visually striking with that huge delta wing and four jet engines, but what a disaster.
‘One of my Navy colleagues’ father had flown the B-58 out of Carswell, I believe. He told us of one particular fuel transfer failure that the aircraft had and that if this failure occurred during supersonic flight, it would result in trapped fuel that would shift the CG of the aircraft and make it uncontrollable when you slowed below supersonic flight.’
Tussey concludes;
‘So… if this emergency were to happen (and it did), you had two equally horrific choices — 1) eject while supersonic, which was likely to kill everyone, or 2) slow the aircraft to subsonic speed, allow the aircraft to go uncontrollable, and then eject—which was equally likely to kill everyone. ‘Unbelievable.’
Yet, despite the B-58’s flaws, pilots and crews were in awe of it. The B-58 aircraft represented the apex of a bomber pilot’s career. All of them were volunteers, the best of the best, and they only wanted to fly. On the B-58 Hustler website, Lt. Col. Strank, a former B-58 pilot, provides a summary;
‘The delta wing made the aircraft handle differently than straight-wing aircraft, but the B-58 was firm, responsive, and was a joy to fly–although you were “flying” it even when you taxied. You had to pay attention to detail at all times, and you couldn’t really relax from the time you climbed on board until you parked and cut the engines.’

Photo by U.S. Air Force